Tried to switch it to a service again (so I could correct that phraseology) it worked correctly. Once all the jobs were finished, I tried to switch it to run as a service, got the dialog box I’ve seen before (months ago,) when switching to a service failed – the one that says “please report this to the makers of Bvckup, this is pretty unusual.” I hit OK on that dialog, let it settle down for about a minute, and typed this up. It noted that it was set to run as a service but that there were some settings missing (sorry for the paraphrase) and asked permission to run as a regular program. I uninstalled Bvckup, kept the config data when it asked, and rebooted. Sep 30, 2013I was playing around, not watching this forum, and did things a bit differently – now, I’ve reproed that issue I told you about last week: Reworded the warning when destination already exists - strengthened the warning to make it clearer that the destination contents will be either nuked or archived on the 1st run Reworked "Comparing" section of the backup config UI - got rid of the two choices, replaced them with a single checkbox and reworded things a littleĥ.
Updating now doesn't use Windows temporary folder - it was already saving the update package in bvckup's config folder, but it still used %LocalAppData%\Temp for the "relauncher" (see here for what it is if interested - )Ĥ.

Fixed minor flickring during some UI animations - specifically, some text was flickering when sections in the Backup Config window were expanded.ģ.

This didn't do it any bad, but didn't do it any good either.Ģ. Fixed an issue with upgrading when running as a service - it was adding extraneous "-service" to the service command line with every upgrade. Nothing new, mostly cosmetic and smaller fixesġ.